The About
As Inder says, spiritual evolution is all encompassing – it heralds progress in all aspects of the being. Envisaged as a place for spiritual endeavour, Nanak Bagh has emerged as a catalyst for all encompassing transformation.
Gurmanjot talks about three debts that all humans have -the debt towards the Mother who has given us life; the debt towards the Guru who guides us to the true path and the debt towards Mother Earth for providing us with the opportunity to experience life. While it is beyond any one of us to repay these debts, Nanak Bagh is an attempt to acknowledge it and to do our bit. Towards this end the Nanak Bagh Foundation, is engaged in programmes aimed at enhancing lives of the community. This non profit initiative is premised on the knowing that we all are connected as children of Mother Earth – we are all one. It is a beautiful opportunity for the volunteers, working with it, to experience this oneness by engaging, sharing, giving and receiving.
Gurmanjot saw visions of this beautiful place, which found a complete coherence with the knowing that Inder had of a place getting manifested as a bhakti sthal (place for intense spiritual endeavour).
The intent behind Nanak Bagh is to create a bustling centre for sharing; growing together; intense bhakti; connecting with Mother Earth and empowering the community of the surrounding villages. With this intent the initiative is completely surrendered to the Divine – it is His Razza (Divine Will) that has to flow through.